What is the best Arena 4 Deck at this time?

This deck is so versatile and powerful and it has brought me from arena 4 to arena 6.
  • Giant Skeleton- The tank of the deck. Use it to make good pushes on opponent towers. It’s bomb can take out barbarians and troops that can counter the giant skeleton.
  • Witch- supports the giant skeleton, great splash damage, if paired with giant skeleton it will be able to take out a tower or large chunks of health.
  • Baby Dragon- strong air troop, counters Valkyrie, barbarians, great AOE damage
  • Minion Horde- counters balloon, Valkyrie, barbarians, hog, prince. very good for defense and can be played on offense.
  • Prince- If left unchecked, it is one of the most devastating cards in the game. Very fast and deals high damage. My favorite pushing card.
  • Arrows Eliminates large hordes of troops such as skeleton army or minion horde. Helps clear out troops that counter giant skeleton.
  • Barbarians- Mainly for defense, counters prince and hog
  • Spear Goblins- Ranged and ground support. One of my most favorite cards in the game. Can stop many pushes or buy time for you to defend. Can take out balloon, prince and other pushes.
General Gameplan:
Early game to mid game: start with giant skeleton in the back. If opponent pushes other lane, then use barbarians or minion horde to defend prince or hog. If opponent does not push other lane, then put witch or baby dragon to support giant skeleton. If opponent overplays, then use prince to push other lane. The main goal is to get the first crown before your opponent.
Late game: At this point it will be hard to get a tower because the opponent will probably be able to counter your giant skeleton push. Try to split push. Use giant skeleton and spear goblins on one lane to attract some attention then you use prince to push other lane. In conclusion, this is a strong deck that can counter many different pushes and attacks but at the same time it can also take down enemies with ease.